Hi ALES204. In my final blog for the class, I have composed a reflection of the course in its entirety.
I had a misconception of the course before it started, that it was going to be strictly on verbal presentations and communication. Thus I was very surprised during the first class that the course's focus had changed into an in-depth exploration of communication in a vast array of manners, mainly focusing on web based communications. I was somewhat apprehensive of the idea that future communication was going to take place mainly online, however I was open to exploring online communication and how it could enhance my professionalism. The term started off with Twitter and its many daily applications and impacts on the world around us, with constant streams of information from anyone around the world. Coinciding with the introduction to Twitter, we were introduced to Blogger and how to blog in a professional manner. ALES204 become a journey through the infinitely expanding internet by exploring the powers of Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, Google Docs, Flickr, Wordle, Delicious, Refworks, LinkedIn, and Audio Boo.
The course proceeded with public speaking, presentations, and Pecha Kuchas (20x20). Public speaking is an important component of many jobs, so speaking load, clear, and at a fluent pace is important in order to be effective and memorable. Another important component of disseminating information is making sure you are excited and relatable during your presentation. Knowing your information and what you want to get across is important, especially if you are presenting in a Pecha Kucha format, so research is critical even if it starts with Wikipedia. However as we have learned Wikipedia is not the most reliable resources just as Layla LeDahl points out in her blog pertaining to Wikipedia stubs. Dr. Jessica Laccetti has taught us that critically analyze peer-reviewed articles are the best source of information. Wordle, which makes tag clouds, can be used in order to relinquishment the main words in a paper or the desired criteria in an employment ad. For example, I used Wordle to point out the key words in my entire ALES204 blog, so my readers can see what my blog is focused on (Figure 1.). Tag Clouds can be used as a type of folksonomy, which is a form of managing and categorizing content through tagging, like hashtags in tweets. While delicious is a site which people can use to save and share their favorite links or tags. However if bills such as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) were passed then enforcement of copyright laws would make disseminating and sharing knowledge harder. Conversely Creative Commons is working with other sites in order to allow the legal sharing of knowledge and creativity around the world through the creation of six different copyright licences. While Refworks is a site based around creating proper citations and references for research paper and other materials that are not common knowledge and need to be cited. As you can see the topics in this class flowed together and became an integrated mixture of online and offline resources for us to use in the future.
Figure 1. Wordle tag cloud about my blog available on Flickr. |
The most beneficial segments of the class that directly related to acquiring a job were: creating resumes and curriculum vitae (CV); starting a LinkedIn account; writing professional emails; and practicing interviewing. I felt these components of the class prepared us for applying for future employment or graduate studies. Resumes were really the only form of documentation that I knew was used for presenting one's brief backgrounds and qualifications. However I have learned CV's are a more complete representation of a person's education and professional history. This class has allowed us to move our future professions and carries forward with the help of LinkedIn and Professional Facebook pages, which allow us to post our CVs and resumes online, in order to attain careers and make connections. Also having a personal template in which to email an employer is a comforting resource for the future. In addition proper interviewing skills were review, however many of the public speaking techniques learned can be extrapolated and used for interviewing. Since I am going into my final year of undergrad being able to start putting these resources together and making online connections now is especially important to me.
I think ultimately the point of the class was to get us to access all potential aspects of communication, preferably online. In addition, this class taught us how to communication more professionally to a larger demographic. As stated in class, internet based communications are great resources however one has to remember what goes online is permanent and always out there for everyone to see. In closing the allowance of a broader dissemination of knowledge allows people to critically analyze, learn, and interpret information for themselves, just like I did on five of my classmates blogs: Erika Brown's ALES204 Introduction blog; Kendra Hilsenteger's Facebook blog; Christy Czapski's Wikipedia blog; Jenn Wheeler's Choice blog: EHS; and Chelsea Livingstone's Choice blog: Public Speaking. Finally, I feel all the applications which we explored during ALES204 are applicable in a professional setting however these applications have to be used correctly, which means being professional in all capacities.
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Figure 2. The empty ALES204 classroom says, farewell students for another semester. This personal image is available on Flickr. |
Fig 1. ALES204-Wordle. (2012) bbohlender, [digital image]. Retrieved April 5, 2012. From Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/75305779@N06/7052328653/in/photostream
Fig 2. Farewell ALES204. (2012) bbohlender, [digital image]. Retrieved April 10, 2012. From Flickr:
Fig 2. Farewell ALES204. (2012) bbohlender, [digital image]. Retrieved April 10, 2012. From Flickr:
I agree, I was unsure as to what the ALES204 class was to bring and actually was dreading having to do lots of presentations as they are not exactly my most favorite exercise to do. However as classes went on I was excited to learn how much I did not know about social media and all the different networks that are on the web to allow people to get their name, business, company etc. out to the world. I feel the class was very valuable and an asset to my future career!!
ReplyDeleteHey Becky,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your reflective post. You did a great job summarizing the semester. ALES 204 has brought in so much information about the application of social media in a professional setting, and I look forward to using this knowledge in the future. Compared to other semesters, I am glad that we had the opportunity to learn about this aspect of communication as it is impacting every aspect of society as we know it.
You wrote a great in-depth reflection of this ALES 204 class. This class has definitely emphasized the importance of social media in our future. It also gave us exposure to the various sources of information available and the different levels of credibility between these sources. Good luck in your final year of your undergrad. Hopefully you can apply all of the social media skills that we learned somewhere in your last few classes.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your blog post! Like Nutritionstudent said above, it was a very in-depth reflection of what we have done this semester. I really liked the word cloud you created. I think it really brings out the main things we have discussed this year, and anyone looking at it can see what your posts have been about!